How to detect if the given webpage is generated by SharePoint?

If you want to find out whether the given web page is generated by SharePoint or not then the most authentic way of verification is to check Response Headers. SharePoint adds an specific response header (along with others) called MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices The presence of this header is a proof that the given web page is served … Read more


Ideal list of tools you need for SharePoint Development

After working with several clients, I have compiled a list of tools, addons, plugins and technologies which are needed for development, customization or administration at any point in the journey to learn to use Sharepoint. This list is not a “Mandatory Tools List” but in fact, it is a compilation of tools and technologies which … Read more


List of Special Pages in SharePoint 2010 which do not use any master page

There are some special pages in SharePoint 2010 which do not use any master page. You should be aware of these pages to avoid bad user experience while branding your site. Following is the list of those pages: AccessDenied.aspx : Displays, if user does not have permission to perform respective action. Confirmation.aspx : Displays, to … Read more


SharePoint Designer or Visual Studio?

If you are confused about when to use SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio then here are some guidelines which may help you choosing the right technology at the right time. The short answer is

Web Designer=SharePoint Designer whereas Web Developer=Visual Studio
