How to find Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll and some other assemblies

You may be wondering where to find Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll , if you are creating a new SharePoint application page? But don’t worry, it resides in _app_bin folder of your SharePoint site’s virtual directory.

Assuming your IIS inetpub is at C then the exact path of Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll is

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\<Your Virtual Server >\_app_bin\Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll

Here is the full list of assemblies at _app_bin folder:

  1. Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Pages.dll
  2. Microsoft.Office.officialfileSoap.dll
  3. Microsoft.Office.Policy.Pages.dll
  4. Microsoft.Office.SlideLibrarySoap.dll
  5. Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Pages.dll
  6. Microsoft.Office.WorkflowSoap.dll
  7. Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll

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