How to solve Missing Server Side Dependencies – 8d6034c4-a416-e535-281a-6b714894e1aa Error?

After installing SharePoint 2010 Beta, you may encounter “Missing Server Side Dependencies – 8d6034c4-a416-e535-281a-6b714894e1aa” error in SharePoint Cental Administration. It is a very weird error and there is no logical reason behind it:) Microsoft may fix it in the final release of SP2010. Until then here is the solution:

  1. Navigate to SharePoint Central Administration Page
  2. Click General Application Settings on left hand side Quick Launch bar
  3. Under Search, click Farm-Wide Search Administration to open farm wide search administration page.
  4. Now, under Search Service Application click Search Service Application
  5. Now restart the server by executing iisreset -noforce command on command prompt.
  6. Thats it! You have solved the issue 🙂

To verify,

  1. Go back to SharePoint Central Administration Page and click on View these issue link, if it is available.
  2. You will notice that at least the above mentioned error has been removed.

If you want to know the background of this issue then please read this post


21 thoughts on “How to solve Missing Server Side Dependencies – 8d6034c4-a416-e535-281a-6b714894e1aa Error?”

  1. FYI It doesn’t appear to be fixed in the RTM. Or at least it wasn’t for me doing a Least Privledge based install…

  2. Craig…did this solution work for you? I tried it this morning on our RTM and it is still throwing the error

    • Hey Jake,

      it would appear to have fixed it…

      I’m working through a Least Privledge based install (and can’t find decent documentation out there on how to do it), so I’m hitting fun little issues like this all the time.

      I had the User Profile Sync stuff going, but now I see it’s failed again (Forefront Identity services wont start), so it’s back to the drawing board on that. I suspect it’s something to do with local admin rights for either the Farm Service Account(CA Content Pool, SQL Access account, what ever you want to call it) or the User Profile Service Account.

      I’ve also got a /_controltemplates/TaxonomyPicker.ascx failed error to work through…

      Such fun!

  3. Hi Craig,
    Ouch! I don’t feel so bad now about my issues. Best of luck to you! BTW. My issue did resolve itself. I was just a little anxious.

  4. This worked for our RTM installation too. Come on MS…roll this into an update. Thanks for the tip.

  5. I followed the steps for removing this error and the error is still present in my current “critical issues”. Has there been any other solutions or reasons why this would happen?

  6. Hi.

    Are you kidding me??
    By click on what you say, only open a link going direct to the Search Service Administration site.

    And, are you a MCITP SHP Certificate? My God! …

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