How to fix Cannot run Windows SharePoint Services on this page?

If you are getting “Cannot run Windows SharePoint Services on this page…” error while trying to upload multiple files in Sharepoint and you are banging your head against the wall then don’t worry you are not alone 🙂 It is the shared pain by many of us facing the legacy errors of FrontPage Server extensions in Sharepoint. This error occurs if you modify Upload.aspx located in layouts folder. First and foremost, do not modify the standard upload.aspx or any other standard file in Sharepoint as it is not supported by Microsoft and your change will be overwritten by any new service pack or hot fix.

So having said that, if you have made a copy of upload.aspx, customized it and trying to use it then you may certainly face this error. Following is the solution to fix it:

  1. Open your copy of upload.aspx and search for 
    <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="_charset_" VALUE="utf-8"><!--webbot bot="FileUpload" endspan i-checksum="45034" -->
  2. Update the following string as follows
    <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="Cmd" VALUE="Save"><!--webbot bot="FileUpload" endspan  -->
  3. Save your file.
  4. Reset IIS
  5. Try to use the file in Sharepoint and Bingo!!!! no more error :):):)

10 thoughts on “How to fix Cannot run Windows SharePoint Services on this page?”

  1. Hi,
    I could not find the line

    I opened two upload.aspx file from two diffrent env. but i could not find this lines.

    please advise.

    thanks for your help


  2. I couldn’t find the line in the upload.aspx file either. The upload.aspx file I am talking about is located in the 12-Hive folder..Template\Layouts\

    What does this imply?? That if this line is not being found it means the upload.aspx file is customed or does this imply the wront upload.aspx file?

    Some intelligence is needed please..

  3. This did not work for me. I tried it a couple of times. After IIS was restarted, I went to the site and got an Unknown Error. Any other suggestions.

  4. Thanks for this Namwar. Both the dev and production sites got this error at the same time so I had no valid upload.aspx to compare this to. Your post saved me a lot of time.


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