All possible ways to find SharePoint Version and Build number

If you are trying to find exact Version and Patch level of your SharePoint installation, then use one of the following methods

Method 1 : Using Service.cnf url

  1. Navigate to following url in your browser  <Your SharePoint Site>/_vti_pvt/Service.cnf
  2. You will a response similar to following


Check the number shown in your response at SharePoint Build Numbers

Method 2 : Using Central Administration Site

  1. Launch SharePoint Central Administration site
  2. Under Upgrade and Migration, click Check product and migration status
  3. You will get screen similar to following

Farm Build and Version Number

Method 3 : Using PowerShell

  1. Launch SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
  2. Enter PowerShell command Get-SPFarm | Select BuildVersion
  3. You will get screen similar to following


Method 4 : Checking Registry setting

  1. Launch Registry Editor on your SharePoint web front end
  2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\14.0
  3. Check the value of BuildVersion as shown in following screen


Method 5 : Checking HTTP Header

  1. Launch Fiddler or any other Proxy traffic inspector on any client computer which can access a SharePoint site
  2. Navigate to any page of your SharePoint site on client computer
  3. Check MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices response header in Fiddler, as shown in screen below

Http Header Version
